



This particular Burmite specimen, sourced from the geological strata of Kachin State, Myanmar, boasts a captivating amalgamation of preserved relics from the Cretaceous epoch. Amidst sparse remnants of botanical inclusions, this amber encapsulates a conspicuous and noteworthy feature—an impeccably conserved, sizable insect leg. Moreover, within its resinous embrace, multiple fossilized insect specimens from the Cretaceous period are discernible, amplifying the scientific significance of this amber. The entombed remnants, including the distinct insect appendage and accompanying arthropods, serve as pivotal time capsules, providing invaluable glimpses into the diverse entomological fauna of an ancient ecosystem. These entomological specimens, alongside the sporadic plant remnants, present a mosaic of the bygone Cretaceous biodiversity, enabling comprehensive investigations into the paleoentomology and paleobotany of that era.

Dimensions: 46x40x11.47 mm

Weight: 60.485 cts